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For more shamelessly fringe antics, follow Greg on Instagram @thegregbornstein
Melissa Divinity is, well, among other things: “Nature Guide, Earth Lover Medicinal/Tonic Food Specialist, Holistic Wellness Leader, Certified Spiritual Healer, Diplomat of Earth Stewardship, Self-Care Specialist, Detox Consultant, Certified Yoga Instructor, Published Author, Syncretist, and Ordained Minister.”
But most importantly….she is MOTHER NATURE.
Greg had never met Mother Nature in human form before starting to converse with Melissa.
He finally found her.
Melissa Irene Divinity joins Greg to discuss Earth’s medicinal properties that aren’t JUST psychotropic. They talk divinity detox, syncretism (Sun spirituality/astrology), the divine feminine, the wounded masculine, Melissa’s children’s books….
A conversation as sweet as butterflies consensually kissing you.
Peace and love.
Melissa’s Links: https://www.melissadivinity.com/ and divinitydetox.com