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Bobby Hedglin-Taylor, known as the “Multi-Hyphenated Artist,” joins Greg to discuss his journey as an actor, aerialist, circus trainer, comedian, writer, choreographer, and how a recent confrontation with his own physical limitations has him soaring through life’s heights in ways never possible before.
It’s a wonderfully HONEST breakdown of what happens behind-the-scenes of show business life, mixed with jokes, impressions, circus drama, the truth behind why Spiderman the Musical bombed, a raw critique of the Cirque commercial empire, and shocking information about reality television (you’ll never watch the Bachelor the same way again…but also, why are you still watching The Bachelor?).
Bobby does not need a tightrope to entertain you. Take a listen and you’ll hear for yourself!
Bobby’s Links:
Check out Bobby’s New Book #ShitMyMamaSays on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578952173/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1626964309&refinements=p_27%3AEJ%20Sepp&s=books&sr=1-1&text=EJ%20Sepp&fbclid=IwAR1zTof9otx1VdMDBwOfECT21SgF15nO6BpkaPt0Vbg6OrL2GncMR6vzUmY