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Katja Matosevic is Italy’s “Wonder Woman of the Mind.”
That’s what Greg’s calling her anyways. ‘Cause she practices EVERYTHING.
Katja’s a Certified Life & Mental Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, EFT & TFT Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, and Master of Energetic Techniques such as Karuna Qi, Quantum Reiki, Angelic Rays and Shamanic Medicine.
How does it all fit together?
She joins Greg to discuss this, starting with how she healed her fibromyalgia using her own mind and how this catapulted her into created her new healing process, “The Golden Bridge.” You’ll learn how by connecting the subconscious mind to the Higher Mind of your soul, you can finally achieve personal mastery. Or even just conquer your fear of crossing bridges. Whichever comes first!
Katja’s Links: https://www.liinks.co/katjamatosevic