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Leading up to Halloween, Open Loops is going all the way down the rabbit hole of hypnosis, trance, and NLP.
It’s a tribute to altered states of consciousness!
AlterCon 2021: Trance Yourself To Thrive continues in Part Three with Anne Jirsch, London-born Psychic and the lady behind Future Life Progression.
In this episode, we hear her full story about how she gained clairvoyance and took her ability to see the future to the realm of hypnosis. And the best part is, she now spends most of her time today teaching others how to do it!
Sure, past life regression is great. But there’s a reason you prefer The Jetsons over the Flintstones….
It’s Part Three: “Future Life Progression: The Art of Hypnotic Clairvoyance”
Anne’s Links: