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Lisa Allen (Astrologer, Author, Herbalist, Reverend, Energy Healer, Tarot Pro) brings something a lot of her peers don’t to the realm of mystical forecasting: TIMING.
She’ll tell you what’s going to happen, but also when.
That said, this is an extremely loopy episode because in addition to talking about temporal psychic arts, Greg and Lisa also cover shamans that push people off cliffs, J. R. R. Tolkien opening real-life portals, and plant-based birth control.
Insert Beyond Meat joke here.
Insert “insert meat joke here” joke.
Don’t you ever grow up, Dear Listener. We won’t.
Just tune in to a wildly kooky expanse of consciousness with Lisa Allen, The Timing Expert, on Open Loops!
Lisa’s Links: https://linktr.ee/timingmagic