Rachel Switlick is a performance artist/self defense practitioner but more than those two things, she’s MORE than those two things. Why should you care? Rachel will tell you. And if you don’t believe her, she’ll gently persuade you into believing her without necessarily kicking your booty while she does it. We talk about all of that, including:
-Should you manipulate people to become better versions of themselves as a personal project?
-Rachel’s Solar System simile for succinct substantive social success!
-Rachel and John Slattery sitting in a tree?
This is a great Back-To-School episode. In that Rachel schools Greg quite a few times.
Pull out your notebooks and listen close.
Rachel’s Links:
Rachel’s most recent performance art piece: @_eatmyheartout
Instagram: @rswittles
Krav maga: Kravmagaexperts.com
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