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On Episode 63 of Open Loops, Jonathan Royle joined Greg to share his most controversial views on all things therapy, hypnosis, and personal change.
He also issued a challenge to all NLP and hypnosis trainers against his 30 years of experience.
As Jonathan puts it, “Not a Single Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, NLP or related Mind Therapy Trainer of any kind anywhere in the world has had the balls, talents or ability to take up my CHALLENGE TO ALL HYPNOSIS & MIND THERAPY TRAINERS” since that interview aired in December 2020.
Jonathan wrote that at the end of 2021. That challenge still stands to this day.
Steve Miller, Founder and CEO of FATNosis joins Jonathan in this episode to challenge mind therapists and hypnosis/NLP practitioners EVEN FURTHER.
When you put these two brilliant minds together, you won’t BELIEVE what comes out of their mouths.
Why attend a hypnosis convention when you can listen to this episode, a George R.R. Martin-level slashing ritual of hypnotherapy’s most sacred cows?
Episode Links –
TICKETS FOR EVENT 22: Bringing You What The Others Didn’t. Influencing ‘THE THEATRE OF YOUR CLIENTS MIND’ – Sign up @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/event-22-the-theatre-of-the-mind-tickets-304724257457
Jonathan’s Website: http://www.ultimatehypnosiscourse.com/
Steve’s Website: https://www.yourweightlossmaster.co.uk/
Jonathan’s ORIGINAL Open Loops Appearance Episode 63: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/theres-no-such-thing-as-hypnosis-with-controversial/id1517256887?i=1000502306574