Podcast Pegasus: The Time Travel Disclosure Series Bonus Episode
-Project Pegasus Today with “The Time Jumper,” Secret US Super Soldier-
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Greg’s favorite movie of all-time is Back to the Future. He didn’t know he’d be interviewing time travelers when he started a podcast, but finally the dream has been realized.
All this week, as part of a limited series on Open Loops about the secret US Time Travel and Teleportation (“Project Pegasus”), Greg shared his interview with the man with the most credible case of time travel in history, Andrew D. Basiago.
Not in this BONUS episode.
See, after Greg interviewed Andy, he didn’t stop researching. He wanted to meet more time travelers to corroborate his story. Greg soon encountered another participant in Project Pegasus, simply by circumstance.
After a few back-and-forths, this gentleman agreed to do the interview.
He’s ready to share his story.
Get ready for a two-hour in-depth bonus interview with a US Secret Super Soldier who goes by “Time Jumper.”
And why won’t he reveal his name?
Quite simple really…
,,,.Pegasus never ended.
Andrew’s websites:
Project Pegasus: https://www.projectpegasus.net/
Project Pegasus, The Time Travel Group of Andrew D. Basiago: https://www.facebook.com/groups/171297480834/