Marie is the head researcher/CEO of Cygnus Research (DBA) in Muskegon, Michigan, a non-laboratory center whose mission is to “explore new paradigms in science, history, archeology, anthropology, religion, spirituality and consciousness, ufology, and the paranormal for the benefit of humanity.”
But also, she worked at MUFON. She does astrology. She knows how to read Tarot cards. She’s psychic. She’s writing a book on the paranormal phenomenon of Muskegon, Michigan.
She is “Michigan’s Mulder.”
You’ll learn about Michigan’s Bermuda Triangle, close encounters with German sailor spirits, and even the dreaded….ghost sickness.
Marie entertains, frightens, intrigues, and provokes.
She’s a looper. And this conversation gets as loopy as all heck.
Check out Marie’s work at: https://cygnusresearch2015.blogspot.com/ and for her more recent journalism and paranormal work about “Haunted Muskegon” go here: https://muskegonchannel.com/
Check out Sanomentology training here: https://sanomentology.com/training/
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