In this limited series, Greg is joined by “Leyman Wesla,” the alias for an MIT-graduate nuclear physicist recruited in the early 90s to work on time travel technology as part of a top-secret United States underground project.
In part two, you’ll learn:
– The origins of the Mandela Effect
– Secrets of mysterious older people who claim they were part of “a program.”
– Denver Airport and the Aliens Cover-Up Story!
– Introducing “The Box”: the first time Leyman WITNESSED time travel
– Greg sitting quietly, stilling fearing he’s living in the simulation. So precious, that Greggy.
In a world filled with such uncertainty, does knowing time travel is real make it any better?
Listen to find out…..
Greg is MCing at Humanity Unplugged from 3/12/2022-3/22/2022! Check it out here: https://aprojectionofyou.com/2022/01/09/humanity-unplugged/
Wanna try hypnosis? Book a time with Greg at https://calendly.com/gregbornstein/hypno
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