Our Alien Ancestry: Summer Solstice happens on December 21st at 10:30 am-11:30 am NY Time! RVSP here: https://www.ouralienancestry.net/event-details/our-alien-ancestry-summer-solstice
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Evenah Johnson has been encountering invisible entities since she was a little girl. And don’t even get her started on the Dark Lord she summoned in the sky. Chaos Magician, Intuitive Counselor, Tarot Reader, and African Neo-Spiritualist, Evenah joins Greg to discuss her various phases in the realms of the mystical (and that time she accidentally joined a cult), as well as the dangerous teachings of practitioners in the field today. No one is more entertaining in the way she tells her stories! Listen in and be wowed by Evenah’s hot takes. PS. Whatever you do, ignore the hippies of Georgia on your path to ascension.
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