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Marc Brinkerhoff is an ET Contactee and Lucid Remote Viewer of his ET Family, Crew, and Spacecraft who was born FULLY AWARE of his intergalactic origins.
He has memories that go beyond this lifetime. He’s a “conscious walk-in.” He travels out-of-body to spaceships and planets like you scroll mindlessly through Instagram. He captures photos of UFOs like you mindlessly take selfies to post on your Instagram.
Marc’s life is visuals that no iPhone 15 could ever capture…as he sees in at least 12 dimensions.
In this series, Greg interviews Marc and his wife Phyllis to see if he can understand the higher multidimensional nature of our universe, as well as make sense of Marc’s existence, a “man” who 100% lives the reality of an extraterrestrial soul inhabiting human form.
This one is a mind-bender-into-breaker, and a conversation that Greg still can’t explain away.
Listen in for the story of the real-life Steven Spielberg extraterrestrial…
Mark and Phyllis’s Links –
UFO Photographer, My ET Encounters & Mystic Art
ET Universal Zone Podcast Etc.:
Animal Fine Art: https://marcbrinkerhoff.com/
YouTube Channel:
Marc’s Art on T-Shirts, Mugs, Etc.:
Highest Quality Zeolite Detox etc.: