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Did you know the US Government paid lots and lots of money to study psychic powers for military means?
Did you know they’re probably still using their newfound abilities today but just aren’t saying anything?
David Powell studies and trains with Paul H. Smith at Remote Viewing Instructional Services. Paul was an original member of the Stargate Program and taught other members of that “psychic spy” program, such as Lyn Buchanan and David Morehouse.
David strips away the BS and reveals:
– The true history of remote viewing versus the myths
– How does David do it today professionally? Does anyone else in the government for that matter?
– Do we all have the ability to remote view?
AND: What happens when you remote view Satan?
Quit staring at this – take a listen!
David’s Facebook Group for Remote Viewing: https://www.facebook.com/groups/523698615365683