Rick Jordan is on a mission.
What mission you ask?
Well, not to get all Blues Brothers on you, but it’s a quest for Truth.
He’s a cyber security expert that finds the humanity in online predators.
He’s world-renowned speaker that very publicly detests human trafficking and brings awareness to its horrors.
And he did a documentary questioning the entire lockdown that will break your preconceived notions about whether we’re all doing the right thing during this pandemic.
He fights for the little guy.
And his opinions are strong and they’ll challenge you.
It’s a civil discussion that’ll open your perspective to what’s happening in this digital world we’ve all been subjected to learning the rules about….and who knows. Maybe we’ll get banned for some of the views expressed here.
Ready to push your boundaries?
Rick’s Links:
Rickjordan.tv – http://www.rickjordan.tv/
Rick’s podcast “All In with Rick Jordan” – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-in-with-rick-jordan/id1450998120
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