Emily Davis has natural psychic abilities, she sees spirit guides, she has a performing background and most importantly, she cohosts the metaphysical comedy podcast, Perceptionists Anonymous!
If you go to Emily’s website, https://www.damselnomore.com/, the first thing you discover is the blunt truth.
“You are magical as @#$%.”
This definitely caught Greg’s attention.
In her first appearance Open Loops, she more than delivers.
In the course of an hour, Emily manages to make Greg’s head explode with her simple, colorful, and refreshingly witty breakdowns of magickal and occult concepts that even have him believing by the end of the episode he could develop his psychic abilities.
Where else can you learn how to hone your clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent, clairtangency, and/or clairgustance?
Find out:
-Why is Emily considered a “bad girl” of the spiritual community?
-What is one simple way to know that you are, metaphysically, on the right path?
-Who are Greg’s spirit guides? And why is one of them hairier than he is in real life?
This is one of Greg’s favorite episodes. It’s blunt. It’s honest. And it’s magical af as @#$%.
Emily’s Links:
Podcast Links:
If you like this show, ratethispodcast.com/openloops
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